Friction Labs Secret Stuff

Friction Labs Secret Stuff

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Secret Stuff is a chalk cream. You rub a small amount on your hands - at first, it looks like nothing's there, but after a few seconds, the moisture will evaporate and you'll be left with a perfect layer of the highest purity Magnesium Carbonate.

No mess. Longer lasting. The future of chalk.

Why use Secret Stuff instead of other chalk options?

Secret Stuff will naturally cleanse and disinfect your hands, killing bacteria and getting rid of gunk and grime that builds up over the course of your normal day and during activity. This unique cream will deliver chalk deep into the texture of your hands - as soon as you use it, you'll see how well it gets into every nook and cranny.

Some people use Secret Stuff as a total chalk replacement. Others prefer to put it on at the beginning as a base layer, augmenting it with loose chalk or a chalk ball when they need to reapply. Some people like to use Secret Stuff as a mid-session refresher, helping cleanse and reset their hands when they start feeling worn down. Chemically, it doesn't matter - however you choose to use Secret Stuff, you can be sure you're getting the highest quality, cleanest, longest lasting chalk anywhere.

How long will it last?

A single 75mL bottle of Secret Stuff will last about 100 uses.

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Friction Labs Secret Stuff Alcohol Free

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